Owen Barfield on Science, Technology, and the Modern Crisis of Meaning


  • Landon Loftin Independent Scholar


Landon Loftin examines Barfield’s critique of scientism, positivism, and society’s ability to control its circumstances through technological innovation in such works as Poetic Diction, The Rediscovery of Meaning, and “The Coming Trauma of Materialism.” This article looks at how Barfield understood these philosophies and notions of progress to create a diminished sense of meaning in modern people’s lives, and how his assertion that there is truth can aid in recovering lost meaning.


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Author Biography

  • Landon Loftin, Independent Scholar

    Landon Loftin (M.A., B.C.C.) is a hospital chaplain at CoxHealth in Springfield, Missouri. He has a B.A. in religion and philosophy from Southwest Baptist University and an M.A. in apologetics from Houston Baptist University. He is currently a candidate for a Ph.D. in Humanities from the Great Books Honors College at Faulkner University. While his primary research interest is the work of Owen Barfield, he has also published articles and reviews on authors like C.S. Lewis, G.K. Chesterton, and others.




