Warren Lewis and The Lewis Papers


  • Don W. King Montreat College


Nine months after the death of their father, C.S. Lewis and his brother Warren, began to talking about organizing, editing, and publishing the family papers they brought with them from their home in Belfast, Leeborough. In this “chest of family papers,” Warren and Jack had an extensive, although unorganized, family archive consisting of letters, diaries, journals, essays, sermons, poems, newspaper clippings, illustrations, maps, photographs, drawings, short stories, anecdotes, legal papers, and miscellaneous documents.

In this essay, Don Kin explores Warnie’s work on what became the Lewis Papers. What were Warnie's selection and organizational principles, and how are his gifts as a writer visible throughout the process?


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Author Biography

  • Don W. King, Montreat College

    Don W. King has served on the faculty of Montreat College since 1974. He is a faculty fellow and professor of English. From 1999 to 2015, King served as editor of the Christian Scholar’s Review. He has published over seventy essays and reviews as well as ten books, including C.S. Lewis, Poet: The Legacy of His Poetic Impulse, Plain to the Inward Eye: Selected Essays on C.S. Lewis, and The Collected Poems of C.S. Lewis: A Critical Edition. His current writing project is Soldier, Writer, Inkling: A Life of Warren Hamilton Lewis.




